I’ll never forget, I was put on babysitting duty for both Mackenzie + Carly--it was a pretty sweet gig and I loved to do it as a big cousin. But in their mid 3-7 year old age it was quite a challenge. First off, Mackenzie never wanted clothes on so if we were going into public this was issue #1. But this particular day, the girls had just gotten baby Ollie. We were downstairs in their living room and Mackenzie is holding the little pup. Quickly I heard screaming and (naked) Mackenzie had decided Ollie’s rough nose needed fixing and she took scissors to it. Rest assured we just had a little blood. But I always laugh at 16 year old me with a naked 4-5 year old, her sister eating pizza upstairs, a bleeding puppy, and no driver’s license. I used to tell Mackenzie this story, probably more than she would have liked, and she laughed so hard each time I told it.
- Leah Randall, Cousin